Aisha Cooper
Charlene Turner, B.S.

Charlene Turner, B.S., is a Senior Associate and Assessment Specialist at edCount, LLC. Ms. Turner has over 30 years of experience in education as a state department of education assessment director, researcher, and teacher. As a senior advisor and content specialist, she leads several assessment, standards, and curriculum development projects in social studies, science, mathematics, and ELA. Ms. Turner is an expert in the instruction and assessment of students with significant cognitive disabilities and has supported alternate and general assessment projects for numerous states, state consortia, and the federally funded Strengthening Claims-based Interpretations and Uses of Local and Large-scale Science Assessment Scores (SCILLSS) and Stackable, Instructionally-embedded, Portable Science (SIPS) Assessments projects. She has extensive experience developing assessment claims, measurement targets, prioritized assessment knowledge, skills and abilities, item and rubric development including complexity and passage development guidelines, test blueprints, item development plans, test forms, Policy and Range achievement level descriptors, individual student reports and interpretative guides, and technical documentation for alternate assessments in ELA.

In addition to providing content expertise on several state and federally-funded projects, she has served as senior curriculum and alternate assessment specialist and ELA lead for the National Center and State Collaborative (NCSC) General Supervision Enhancement Grant, advised the Puerto Rico Department of Education during the development of assessment training for administrators of the alternate assessment and protocols for implementation of accommodations studies, delivered alternate assessment professional development for the Virgin Islands, and supported the development of the California Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Core Content Connectors and grades 5, 8, and 11 science assessment tasks for use with the California NGSS Alternate Assessment Program. She has extensive experience in facilitating educator meetings and professional development workshops.

Prior to joining edCount, Ms. Turner served as the Director of Alternate Assessment for the Wyoming Department of Education and was responsible for the development, implementation, and improvement of the Wyoming Alternate Assessment System including standards, instruction, and assessment. She served as an educator and Literacy Education Consultant in elementary, middle, and high schools to support effective instruction of special education students in self-contained, resource, and inclusive settings.

Ms. Turner received a B.S. in Special Education from James Madison University.

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1800 Diagonal Road, Suite 600 Alexandria, VA 22314

(202) 895-1502