Nebraska Department of Education and edCount, LLC, to lead multi-state partnership on Coherence and Alignment among Science Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment (CASCIA) Project. This project is funded by the U.S. Department of Education’s Competitive Grants for State Assessments Program.
Practice Areas
edCount’s practice areas reflect our commitment to improving the quality and accessibility of education for all students, including students with disabilities and English learners. We help our clients strengthen their:
- standards
- assessments
- curricula and instructional resources
- professional development and training practices, and
- policies and systems that support them
Standards, Assessment and Accountability
English Learners (ELs)
Students with Disabilities
Services Areas

Policy Analysis & Technical Assistance

Validity Evaluation & Technical Documentation

Test Design and Development

Educator Supports

Project Management
Two State Consortia Vie for Grants to Create ELL Tests, Education Week
New computer-based tests will be aligned with common core California and Wisconsin each have formed a consortium with other states and applied for...
NRC Recommends Blending Census Bureau, State Data For Allocating Title III Language Acquisition Grants
The National Research Council has just released a report finding that neither of two key data sources on English learner populations is ideal for...
ED encourages common definition for ELLs, Education Daily
-- Excerpt from Education Daily's "ED encourages common definition for ELLs" article (January 20, 2011) ED sees state collaboration as a...
Recent Client Success
“We are the go-to shop for federal, state, and local educators who want help with a variety of issues, all ultimately relating to the quality of student-teacher interactions. We are assessment geeks who care about instruction. We are policy wonks who care about practice. And we get along with everyone.”
Ellen Forte, Ph.D.
edCount CEO & Chief Scientist